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The term ‘living energy’ has always been an important subject of human philosophy. It is as mysterious as it is powerful and permeates reality on all levels. This energy breathes life into our tissues, our actions and all our functions. In India, it was referred to as Prana and it originates from the ‘SELF’.

Prana is supported by two energy systems, the Lower and Higher forms. Though we relate to the Lower energies from food, water, air, sunlight etc. they are mere peripheral energy systems whose sole purpose is to nourish the physical body to function. However, our physical self is not everything; it is just one dimension of our reality. In fact, we are all multi dimensional beings. Besides the physical dimension, we possess many subtle dimensions. These subtle dimensions are essentially vibrational patterns of Life energy. Together, with the physical body, they are responsible of complex life functions and experiences. These subtle bodies need Higher forms of energy….

The Higher energy system is a parallel energy system in the universe beyond the physical energy system, and is much more powerful than the former. Just like the Lower energy system is essential for the physical body and its biochemical function, the Higher energy system is necessary for the subtle bodies and higher functions …..

Thus, every living being needs two different energy systems to function. The physical energy system is mostly linked to the food we eat and water we drink. However, we have forgotten all about the higher energy system that is silently working within us. As a result, we are not able to harness and utilise them efficiently.

We need to train ourselves to be sensitive to these subtle energies and the science of ‘digesting’ these Higher energies. Breathing and sleep are much more than just Oxygen and rest. They are the bridges to the higher energy domains….

Dr Mayank Shah introduces programs to energise your life with a unique technology that transcends the limits of physical exercises and relaxation which will empower you to function at a much higher plane!

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